Monday, January 19, 2009

amazing maps of mesiopotamia and modern day

Today in class we watched a movie shows maps from Mesopotamia. in that map I could see the border less areas there. also there was no as many citys as we have today. But as the maps got closes and closer to our time i could see the borders starting to separate the country's and empires. when we got to our discussion about what we "See, Think and Wonder" Most people discussed how the maps would get more detailed and how the country's were more separated from one another. also for what people thought it was also about the details like " i think that those white lines are rivers." but for wonder it was hard to find ways for discussions. but the one that i thought about the most was " I wonder what that scale is for on the bottom of the map." I like that one because it shows not only to look at where and what the countrys have. but around, below and above it. well that is what we learnt in humanities today.